Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Meanwhile, lots of cyclone fences around it and the other building sites. All those trees off limits to us dogs. Scandalous!! As if the people aren't smart enough not to back bulldozers into trees. I bet in the day this old Victorian house was built there was no need for those hideous cyclone fences.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Rain, Rain, Go Away
I got into the Library's Secret Garden through a hole in the fence when Alice wasn't watching me. But, she pulled be back quick saying we aren't invited in there. Besides, it is pretty muddy in there today.
The grass is very tasty outside the new modern house. Alice let me graze there a long time yesterday. And, then we inspected the progress at Cody's old house. It has a second floor now. Sort of quiet in the rain there. The workers can't do much then I suppose.
Tulip trees are looking good. Here's one near Katie's old house.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Flying and Noise

Alice notices I'm not super keen to jump in any airplane. Today, on AvWeb, she saw a link to MuttMuffs. There it says if engine noise is loud for humans it's probably painful for dogs. Duh!! Here is a dog like her old friend Frieda wearing Muffs. Alice got out the tape measure and according to the
website's instructions, measured the "dog's noggin". My noggin! Well! Did not like that one bit. Now am suspiciously watching her from a safe distance. Is this good? Is this bad? Don't know.
She says I am a small or medium. Probably a small. Does this mean something new for my blue trip bag?
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Spa complete at Sta. Rita
Friday, February 23, 2007
Alice left me again!
Funny thing happened on the flight back, she said. They were getting shot out to Manteca by the FAA's NorCal Approach for the G.P.S. approach back to Palo Alto when she got into a discussion of what "manteca" means in Spanish. Butter. Just then, a Mexicana pilot with a thick accent reported in on the frequency. Thoughts of warm Baja California from the day before.... Arroyos and cactus.... Hot tarmac at SJD filled with Citations and Gulfstreams.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Picadou's Person at Reading
Back Home, Life is Good
Alice came home last night. I did a two-foot dance for her.
But! She came home with the smell of Jane's Pasty on her hands! She says she saw Patsy for a few seconds before seeing me. Hmmmm.... But I could smell it was a short visit and she had more smell of beach on her than Pasty.
So, Alice went to the beach with her sister and Jane. They all missed us: me, Patsy,
Pelle, and Picadou. But they went to some places we probably wouldn't have liked to go.... like that vehicle which smelled of naptha or some nasty dry-cleaning solution. And some of us dogs don't really like the beach. Too much sand between the toes.
Long walk with Alice this morning. Sun, rain and more sun. We met some tourists from Beijing outside the Hewlett Packard Garage-House. One of them patted me nicely and gave us a big smile when Alice said I was from Tibet. They were very excited to see the famous garage and Alice took a picture for them in front of it.
Rather exhausted now. Zzzzzzz.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Off to Sta. Rita
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Spring is Springing
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
More Daffs
Today, I don't know why but I barked and barked at a squirrel drinking out of the bird bath next door until Alice explained that was OK. That's just the squirrel's water bowl, just like mine.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Tibetan Spaniels in Flicks
There are a few Tibeatan Spaniel stars on YouTube besides Holly. There is Tibbie Topi, who is plotting to take over the world. There are tibbies playing in the snow in Finland. They are popular there. And, then there is Max. I think he is in Australia. He needs to learn some lessons from Topi and me. Gotta Zen out, Max! Or the unkindest cut is going to happen.
New Basement
Speaking of digging.... Alice is glad I don't dig. Never have dug anything outside. Just the occassional indoor bed nest digging, but never as much as Holly does on YouTube.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Walk, Wait, Walk
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Ready for Storms?
Monday, February 05, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Back to the afternoon snooze.
Friday, February 02, 2007
First Daff Bloomed

This year was unusual. Daffs started popping up in January. First one opened into a full bloom today. Alice pointed it out to me the other day before it opened. I was spectacularly uninterested. I mean really! To stop for a look at a flower in my own yard instead of dashing off *NOW* for the first walk 'n sniff of the day?

She's been thinking about St. David, patron saint of Wales. People there will wear a daffodil or leek on March 1 and many children wear national costumes in his honor.

She thinks there is a connection between me and Wales because where she first saw a Tibetan Spaniel was in Bhutan, which like Wales, has a dragon on its flag.

Happy (early) St. David's Day.
And.... yes, dragons, daffs and I all have ruffs around our necks.