Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
SF Embarcadero

Alice introduced us all to Red's Java House just south of the Bay Bridge. She used to go there a lot when she was younger and her Dad had his offices nearby. They liked the hamburgers. I got one!! It was better than In 'n Out's burgers. The people shared some french fries.
Then I got a snooze in the car while the humans went inside the Ferry Building. Alice bought some nice smelling cheeses. Riccota and cream cheese. What will she make with them? Maybe lemon pancakes? Lasangna? Cream cheese and chutney sandwiches?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Stella and Better Quince

Nearby are some more flowering quince at the house where Katie the greyhound lived. Cheerful those bushes, no?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Quince and a New Hole

Long walk this mornning. Quince is blooming all over the neighborhood.

Friday, January 26, 2007
Floor Pour at Cody's

Alice talked with one of the concrete guys. Yes, he said, it's pretty unusual. A bit over-engineered. But, the new house will be owned by an engineer who wants this type of construction.

Alice noticed the big boom for getting the concrete to the right place. It has painted on it crossed USA and Canadian flags. Did they come from Canada? Who knows!

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Well! Alice was watching Mr. Jay working the bird feeder between eating trips to the flagpole when -- WHAM!!! -- another jay divebombed him. Lots of manueovering by the jays around the branches of the apricot and sycamore trees nearby. No more birds at the feeder for quite a while..... Just the feeder slowing its pendulem swinging from Mr. Jay's last feeding.
Alice better get out there and fill it up. The natives are getting restless as the sun sets and another cold night begins.
The sparrows are taking advantage of the jay-free almost-empty feeder, but they are easily spooked by a camera, so only blurry pix of them.
Alice better get out there and fill it up. The natives are getting restless as the sun sets and another cold night begins.

Green Blanket

Today, I went for a long walk. Lots of new smells at places I'd never been to before. One smell was so great I wanted to lick it. Watched a big yellow machine around the corner digging a basement for a new house.

But for now, a post-walk, post-lunch snooze. Dogs sleep a lot. We know what matters most. Cogitate, mediate and dream sending contented vibes out to the world.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Concreted Spa

The people haven't decided yet how the spa will be finished. Tile? Stone? Colors? Alice expects there to be some removable wooden hand holds for people to get in and out who need help. Perhaps in redwood like some of the other outdoor furniture there? I just hope there are some good large basking stone areas nearby. Or grass.
Anything to get the people outside is good.

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Real Winter

Last night she looked at pictures of her mother and aunt playing in the snow outside their family house in New Jersey. Her Mom said the jacket she had then was beautiful. Pale blue wool.

They had a dog named Frosty when they lived there. Now I know how he got that name...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Spa Inspection

I've never enjoyed baths. Can't understand why the people like spas. Or pools.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
First Daff and Mr. Jay's Success!

Meanwhile, far below, the first daffodil is almost ready to bloom on the primrose path. Alice must get out there and start weeding before things get out of hand. I like it when she does that.

However, sad news. Neighbor's big pink bouganvillia has been hard hit by the cold nights. Maybe only the limbs sheltered by others will make it. Alice lost a big boug to frost back in the last hard winter of 1998. Everyone's citrus trees are still under big sheets and tarps, and all the calla lillies are bent over. More cold nights ahead.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Mr. Jay

And, yes, she did clean out and refill the birdbath.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Woodstock and Bird Bath Skating Rinks

Made Alice think of Woodstock who skates on a bird bath after Snoopy clears it with a Zamboni. And how she needs to get out there and clean it up and add more water. But she has a very bad cold. Every time she talks she starts coughing. She just must bundle up and do what needs to be done.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Below 30 Degrees F this Weekend

On the first walk today, Alice noticed the quince bushes blooming outside Katie's old house. Daffodils are coming up at our house. Hope the weekend freeze does not kill them all off.

Saturday, January 06, 2007
Hello 2007

Goodbye 2006. You've had your last sunset. Welcome to 2007.
Alice returned from the beach. She said she thought a lot about me while away. I thought about her, too. When she came back, I did my two-foot dance for her. But, I will miss my walks and time with Ben, Jane, Pelle and Patsy.
It was not a coincidence Alice saw a tibetan spaniel last Saturday at the farmer's market in San Jose del Cabo. Nor that Pika and her people saw two more in Philadelphia on the same weekend. We tibbies are a tight bunch. We like our people to remember us. Always. We are champions of ESP.
What will happen in 2006?