Tuesday, January 30, 2007

SF Embarcadero

Had a very long walk along the Embarcadero in San Francisco today. Ann and Pam joined us. I like walking with them! Ann goes fast and Pam lets me sniff anything I want just like my first person would. Here's a picture of them with Ann holding the Mayo Trophy which she won and which has just been engraved with her name.
Alice introduced us all to Red's Java House just south of the Bay Bridge. She used to go there a lot when she was younger and her Dad had his offices nearby. They liked the hamburgers. I got one!! It was better than In 'n Out's burgers. The people shared some french fries.
Then I got a snooze in the car while the humans went inside the Ferry Building. Alice bought some nice smelling cheeses. Riccota and cream cheese. What will she make with them? Maybe lemon pancakes? Lasangna? Cream cheese and chutney sandwiches?