Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Watching Curling from the Olympics?

Alice and I watched the tail end of the Canadian v. Chinese Mens game. It was nice... but.... no dogs in near that ice?

I much prefer the curling scene on Scotland's Lake of Mentieth last month. Lots of dogs there! It's fun to watch the dogs walking and running by. Sniffing and checking out the scene.

Alice had a discussion with Bonnie of San Francisco a little while ago. Both are interested in geology and Scotland, and of course curling, too. Here Alice is showing Bonny the Ailsa Craig Blue Hone insert in some curling stones. It's the same sort of insert the Olympic's curlers use!

Good curling to all.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pabu and Pabu for Valentine's Day 2010

Alice took me to T&C for a visit with Art, coffee for her, and a sniff-fest for me. Would you believe we met another "Pabu"! Here she is on Valentine's Day itself: Pabu the Pomeranian. Her person is Buddhist and picked the name from the same online list of Tibetan dog names my human family used. "Pabu" means puffball* in Tibetan. When I have a bath and blow dry I am pretty puffy, but Pabu the Pomeranian is puffier.

Here she is with her very special person. Kisses for all on Valentine's Day, and every other day, too!!!

Wasn't this a super special Valentine's Day treat to meet another Pabu?

* Pabu also is a saint and town in France and shorthand for birders for the painted bunting. Other than that it's just me and she!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Daffs and a Hawaiian Shirt

The first daffodils bloomed at my house when I was at the vet's having surgery earlier this week. The very same day! Alice put a Hawaiian shirt on me to prevent me from scratching the incisions and stitches. She promises the shirt-thing is temporary. I hope so. I don't like wearing clothes. My permanent fur coat if just fine, thank you very much.

Alice always looks forward to the daffodils blooming. They started popping in the neighborhood last week. Any sunshine and they seem to grow several inches in seconds. For what it's worth, I prefer this line of small bushes to any daffs.