SF Giants Win the World Series!

I wonder if they smelled any of the many Polish dog hotdogs and garlic fries Farley's Alphonse gave as offerings on the mound before each SF Giants season opener? I suspect Alphonse has fainted with the news of the Giants winning the World Series tonight.
Pika's Catherine and Agustin watched Game 4 last night from Chicago. I wonder if Catherine as a Texan was rooting for the Rangers? Agustin said he was rooting for the Giants.
I thought a lot about Roger during the games. I know he NEVER got over the Giants and the Dodgers moving to California from New York... or rather I should say for the latter moving from the Great City of Brooklyn to - horrors! - Los Angeles.
As a kid in the 1940s and a teen in the 1950s, the Dodgers were everything to him. He would save money to take the train to Ebbets Field by himself.

I will dream tonight of Roger playing baseball with his brothers George, Bobby and Richard. They will all be wearing Brooklyn Dodger's shirts except Bobby who always rooted for the Yankees. They will all be under age 13. The Sun will be shining and the grass will be very green. They will have a real MLB baseball and gloves to play with and one wooden bat. The Brooklyn Dodgers will win the World Series!