Watched Tom Watson play golf yesterday morning. He was Ellie's favorite golfer. We'd watch him together on her TV. Alice remembers watching him with Ellie decades ago. He was always calm. A gentleman and sportsman. The nastier the weather, the calmer he would be.
Alice and I watched closely his big four hole play-off in the Open at Turnberry, Scotland. A
links course. Lots of real Scottish rough. A big white hotel. A beach. Ailsa Craig off in the Irish Sea where most curling stone granite was mined. Alice has spent a lot of time with Ailsa Craig rocks....

We imagined together walking on that course on a windy Summer night. I might like to jump around those seagrass rough spots looking for golf balls - if they smelled like Greenies I would find them no matter how deep the rough! I would put my nose directly into the wind and smell the sea blowing from Ailsa Craig.
Alpenglow started as the players got their prizes. They all looked golden like my fur.