Alice was out very late last night curling. She came back smelling of ice and fleece. I don't know why she doesn't take me to see curling. There is a nice lounge overlooking the sheet of ice with a fire, carpet and lounge chairs. Here is the view!

Hmmmm. Maybe she is afraid I would make silly faces or be bored? I promise, no funny faces if someone could hold me in their lap with a blanket to stay warm.... But honestly, when Alice does something I don't like (aka too cold, too wet, not enough chicken to eat...) I just sulk and silly faces.

Last night one of Alice's hands smelled of Barry Ivy since she shook his hand after curling to recognize his success at coaching the first California Lady,
Gabrielle, to the Olympic Trials this month. I doubt Gabrielle will be silly at the Trials. Maybe she will see my silly face photo and laugh. When one has "trials" it's always good to laugh no matter what.