A man came to my house with a big machine. Alice said it was for rooting out tree roots and other things caught in the out-flow water pipes. Many hours later.... and three different City utility trucks later with four different City employees and contractors ..... things are almost back to normal.
Lots of tree roots were found and dragged out very noisily, mostly if not all from the City side. Two different cameras are going down the holes tomorrow to see exactly where and if any pipes are broken and where the roots got in. City will put poison down there which will hold off roots for one year.
But... they will come back and the pipes are just about a 100 years old...

Here is what a neighbor two doors away is doing today. Dug out all the whole ceramic sectioned pipes and replaced with black plastic pipes in her front yard. What an expensive mess, says Alice.
Thank you City trees. I guess this is payback for all the pee-ing me and other dogs do on the trees?