Here I am this morning. Tucked up on the bed of clover at Sta. Rita. Hmmmmm. Tempurpedic.
Alice said something about an election today. I saw her put her absentee ballot in her purse to drop off at the local polling place. She doesn't like the computer voting machines. I don't either. They hum suspiciously. And she doesn't like to waste stamps to snail mail a ballot.
Can't say I'm excited about this Big Human Election. No dogs are on the ballot. No Liberty, Ranger, Falla, Rex, or any other dogs in sight for the big race. No ponies, horses or donkeys either.
I had a vote last week when Alice gave me 6 Greenies to choose from. I quickly sniffed over all of them twice and then grabbed one. I suppose that is what the people are doing today in the neighborhood. As Alice says, "Pinch your nose - or sniff if you must - and just pick one." I have peed on a lot of election signs in my neigborhood. Takes luck and talent to nail those thin wire supports...
Alice wonders if "she" is still voting in Chicago. She voted there once while in college. The tombstones vote there she says.... (Rather worried, she checked the Cook County registrar's website tonight and found no listing for herself. Whew!, she says.)
Just for historical perspective tonight, as Will Rogers would say, "We have the best Congress money can buy."