Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Topical Insecticides, Clavamox, etc.

Got a dose of that monthly topical insecticide earlier this week. Ugh. Dreadful smell. I wish I could tell Alice what I really think of it when she tells me it will make the fleas and ticks not want to bite me.
I also don't like that antibiotic Clavamox. Makes my stomach upset. Turns me off food. The monthly heartworm tablet is fine, if it is crushed up and put on something nice to eat.
I wish someone would do for dog medicines what Cornelia has done for human vaccines. My first forever person didn't like to take medicine. She lived until age 94. Her last decade or so she refused to take a "blood thinner" medicine (Kumadin?) which made her feel awful, she said. She also knew all kinds of margarine are bad. She was a cook-it-yourself frm scratch kind of gal. Two veg, one starch and one meat for dinner or lunch every day.