Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ernie's Menu for Thanksgiving

Oh, to be young when everything is new....

Ernie's people are gearing up for Thanksgiving. One wants Strict Traditional. Another is thinking maybe ham.


On Thanksgiving?

On no. Turkey is a Blessing from the Gods. Hours and hours of roasting anticipation. Homemade gravy. Days and days of leftovers.

Last year, I had Turkey day with Jane's family. I met her Mom for the first time as she tended a turkey in her kitchen. Need I say I fell in love with her on first sniff?! This year, Alice is likely to be roasting the bird...

Ernie: you will get a lovely bit of turkey. I know it in my bones. You are an American. It is required. EVERYONE gets some. And, I mean everyone. No one goes hungry that day and no one is alone. The best day of the year in my opinion.