Fleas and Chairs

Here I am flealess last Christmas sitting in my new favorite living room chair: a dark blue leather wingback with tacks. Old favorite living room chair at Larch Drive was a a light blue velvet wingback. Every dog should have a wingback. Makes one feel safe and important. Because one is. Nice to have a chair to reflect that. It's also essential such a good chair be positioned to make convenient one's watchdog duties for the front door and phone. My people have been smart enough to know that fact, too.
I'm happy to report after the recent heatwave and an infestation of you-know-what on you-know-whom, my person has gotten herself up to speed on What To Do About Fleas. Picking them off does not work. Flea shampoo -- preferably a puppy/kitten product -- and monthly topical insecticide. I had a problem with one product a few years ago. It was rather frightening. Now I'm on Frontline under the supervision of two very competent and firm vets, Drs. Whitaker and Wilson.
Speaking of which, Dr. Wilson called today to report the biopsy for the thing on my back was benign. But, I knew that already.
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