Christmas = Big Bag of Greenies and BEEF!!!
Oh yeah..... got a big bag of Teenie size Greenies. Got to eat three of them on Christmas. Beef and more beef. Whoo-who!!!
The people got presents too. I've been thinking which presents made the people the happiest. I think they were the ones they could enjoy together.
The sage bundles for smudging and waving about outside were popular and a great excuse for me to go outside to find a sunsoak spot. The smell of the oranges in the stockings. And that pink and green cape Olivia got from her Neannie
complete with a big "O" on one side. Olivia whipped it on while some of the adults cautioned about Edna Mode's dislike of capes and she started running around in it. Calling out to one and all "Who needs help?!?! Here comes Super Princess!!!!"
The people all enjoyed the show Olivia staged managed while wearing her blue cape. She started by singing a solo of two verses from "Away in a Manger", then Abby and Sarah
took the lead dancing and singing the "Baa Baa Sheep" number from the church pageant their Dad helped to write with a Beach Blanket Babylon pianist. 'Twas all about how the sheep started acting strangely and danced for joy when Jesus was born. Maybe one day I might dance for that song!
The people got presents too. I've been thinking which presents made the people the happiest. I think they were the ones they could enjoy together.
The people all enjoyed the show Olivia staged managed while wearing her blue cape. She started by singing a solo of two verses from "Away in a Manger", then Abby and Sarah
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